Annual Celebration Party for Life Groups
27/12/2014 08:00
Annual Celebration Party for Life
I'm really happy that this was a WONDERFUL year for the Foundation !
Testimony of my Amiga and Mentor Tathi Moonlight Person ( Original)
I have followed the Foundation and want you to know that fills me with pride and joy the Foundation's work and I'm sure all you guys are doing
makes a huge difference for achieving affect one person you guys save a family , imagine qts people Foundation has affected over the years
( not to mention the positive image among Americans ACS )
To thank Friends who engaged the Foundation and troxeram Light, Peace and Harmonia..Beleza and Fun & Solidarity !
I wish to thank the Awards and the Family Foundation , to you and especially aTeagah Beck and Serenah Raynier .Me supported in a transitional moment and handed me the Hand .Obrigada ♥
Tranks to Premios..Merecidamente and Pride dedicated to each of you !
Thank you for helping me to be happier and allowing me to see the best in me . Love you all .