Project spearheaded by Lunavonrandolf Kenin!
What is the Foundation?
A project spearheaded by Lunavonrandolf Kenin, a project for life and love of peoples around the world .28 de mai de 2011.The Foundation is an entity that exists and was created for the Second Life for American Cancer, Relay for Life of Second Life!The Foundation for Life aims to help people with cancer worldwide. And a Porn in Second Life.The connection to real life is my work and Onkology with people with Cancer and I am dedicated to the cause through Relay in SL.We are a Foundation having a Global base, we have in the group people of various nationalities since the last 5 Years Relays The foundation also collaborates with the month of Breast Cancer Awareness since 2012.I wish to thank you once more for the support on behalf of the Foundation for Life!Very happy to meet all my colleagues from Relay, Friends and all those who give us support, and prestige us:)
This is the Second Life Avatar lunavonrandolf kenin, VOLUNTARIA Relay for Life of Secound Life,!I discovered Virtual World , Second Life is a simulation of real life, where people can create it does through their avatars a perfect life .Although we live in a world of dreams some facts of reality should never be ignored .I have engaged in Help Group Lanterns for Life .On 10.12.2011 received the Green Lanterns to Tathi Luar Pessoa upon Relay for Life of Secound LifeIt was my first contact with the Relay for Life of Secound Life in Virtual World.Thoughtful to see the Cancer ,..ser spoken in an open manner , without taboos , such as a Global Reality and have history who died of Cancer (My Grandfather and my Father )By working in the health field my Onkologie ausbildunguen, knowing the background to the problem of Cancer , terminals Patients with Palliative Medicine ..Matured the idea of Helping cancerous atravéz the Secound Life, where I could take information Prevention and treatment.Presented the project Day May 28, 2011 , The Oficicialização the Foundation for LifeIn the same year , 2011 , I participated in team with the Green Lantern Core by *Seasons of Hope* Relay for lIfe of SL ,A conscious of my desire to give continuity to the Foundation for Life project as a Stand-Alone Group for Secound Life !With our own headquarters and staff made our Registration as Team Foundation for Life
2012 Theme : Time For A CureCancer Awareness EducationWorldst Place ( tie )
2013 Theme : Celebrating 100 Years of Hope
2014 Theme : The Journey of PromiseBest Theme Decorated Campsite
2015 Theme : The Future ist NOW
2016 Theme : Once Upon a Cure
2017 Theme : Passaport to Hope
Foundation For Life
Today Foundation For LifeRepresent our international Relayers !
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MISSION To provide services for the Global Culture and Language and World entities supporting the Secound Life. services: Events (Arts Exhibition, DJ Events, Live Concerts, parades, Poetry Art and culture in general. Events and Activities Foundation for Live Organization, will be to help Relay For Live and other charities through Secound Life. VALUES Ethics: proceed with loyalty, trust, respect, honesty and transparency. Durability: seeking a relationship of trust and long-term friends and simpatizates. Quality Services: meet the expectations of the Group, through processes and skilled people and committed .. Partnership: developing methods and actions in pursuit of mutual benefits in interests related to objectives. Durability: seeking a relationship of trust and long term relationships. Quality Services: meet the expectations of partners and group through processes and skilled people and committed. Volunteers Foundation Organization For Life We hope you have a great time with us! Foundation For Life
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